入學申請及簽證 / Registration and Visa Application


To apply for enrollment, please send the following to the Center 2 months before an intended class starts:

      1. 入學申請表  Application form, available online: https://clc.hwu.edu.tw/Category?CId=5429

               2. 護照影印本(個人資料頁) A photocopy of your passport (personal information)

               3.  2吋證件照片3   3 2-inch ID photos

               4. 讀書計畫表 Study plan

               5. 健康證明  Recent health certificate including blood test for HIV and X-ray report

               6. 財力證明(三個月內/US$ 2,500Financial statement (within 3 months/US$ 2,500)




             To: Hsing Wu University Chinese Language Center

             Address: No. 101, Sec.1, Fenliao Rd., LinKou District, New Taipei City 244012, Taiwan (R.O.C.)                                  

             Tel: +886 02-2601-5310, ext. 1688 /1684

             Email: h029@mail.hwu.edu.tw






(Check “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan”at  https://law.moj.gov.tw/eng/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=H0110001 http://law.moj.gov.tw/Eng/LawClass/LawContent.aspx?PCODE=H0110001)


(We provide quarter programs on a monthly basis. Class starts in the Spring, summer, autumn and winter and application deadline is about 2 months before each class


  1. 入學申請表 Appliction Form
  2. 護照影印本(個人資料頁) A photocopy of your passport (personal information)
  3. 2吋證件照片3張3 2-inch ID photos
  4. 健康證明 Recent health certificate including blood test for HIV and X-ray report 
  5. 讀書計劃表 Study plan
  6. 財力證明(三個月內/US$2,500) Financial statement (within 3 months/US$2,500)

錄取須知 : Required Documents after admission

  1. 對於已經取得入學通知書的申請者,你可以持入學許可書到臺灣駐外館處辦理學生簽證

Those who are admitted can take the letter of admission to apply for student visa at the Taiwanese embassy.

  1. 請注意,取得入學通知書不代表你一定可以獲得臺灣辦事處核發的學生簽證,若你想知道臺灣駐外處聯絡方式,請至臺灣外交部的網站查詢 http://www.mofa.gov.tw/

Please note that a letter of admission does not ensure approval of a visa.

For contact information of Taiwanese embassies,please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at http://www.mofa.gov.tw/




申請簽證步驟如下:Follow the steps below to apply for a visa:

  1. 取得醒吾科技大學華語文中心入學許可。

Apply for admission from Chinese Language Center at Hsing Wu University.

2. 收到本中心入學許可信後,先到線上填寫中華民國簽證線上申請表 (https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw/BOCA_EVISA/),填寫完成後,列印出紙本申請表,表格必須要有條碼。然後,再前往最近的中華民國大使館或辦事處申請90天停留簽證

After receiving Hsing Wu University admission letter, visit the ROC online visa application (https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw/BOCA_EVISA/ ) to fill out an application form. You must print the completed form with a barcode on it and bring the form to the nearest ROC embassy, consulate or representative agency to apply for a 90-day extendable Visitor Visa

    3. 申請時,請註明在醒吾科技大學華語文中心研習華文,申請研習華語簽證(FR簽證)

When applying, please note your visa as FR for studying Chinese at Hsing Wu University申請簽證所需文件如下:

Required documents are as follows:

1. 華語文教學中心入學許可信正本及影本

An original copy and a photocopy of Hsing Wu University admission letter

2. 線上填寫、列印的簽證申請表,貼上兩張六個月之內的兩吋證件照

Printed visa application form attached with two 2-inch color ID photos taken within the past 6 months

3. 研習計畫書正本及影本

An original copy and a photocopy of your study plan

4. 最高學歷之畢業證書正本及影本

An original and a photocopy of your highest education diploma

5. 最高學歷之成績單正本及影本

An original and a photocopy of your highest education transcript

6. 健康檢查合格證明正本及影本

An Original and a photocopy of health certificate

7. 三個月內財力證明正本及影本

An original copy and a photocopy of your financial statement taken within the last three months

8. 護照正本及影本 (效期6個月以上且須有空白頁)

An original copy and a photocopy of your passport (validity for at least 6 months and with blank pages)

9. 其他視個案要求提供之文件Documents demanded by visa officers if required.




Foreigners who come to Taiwan to study Chinese must submit the documents and pay the processing fee at the nearest ROC embassy,

consulate or representative agency to apply for a visitor visa. (Search for the nearest embassy at www.taiwanembassy.org.)


                   60 天可延期之簽證 Visa valid for 60 days


                In 45 days, students can go to the Immigration Office for the Visa Extension Application.

                Those who have studied at our center consecutively for at least four months and prepaid the tuition

                for  the  next quarter can apply for the Resident Visa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


                 90 天不可延期之簽證 Visa valid for 90 days.


                 After 60 days, students can go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Visa Extension Application. 

                 Those who have studied at our center consecutively for at least four months and prepaid the tuition 

                 for the next quarter can apply for the Resident Visa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.





1.簽證線上申請表                              2.健康檢查指定國外醫院



3.健康檢查指定台灣醫院                        4.健康檢查項目









Complete your registration at the Chinese Language Center (1F, Fashion Design Building ) on the day of orientation.

1.請備妥以下資料Provide the following:


Passport and 3 ID photos (not needed for those who have already turned in photos)

2. 填寫註冊單Fill in the registration form

3. 進行分班考試Placement test

4. 購買教材、繳交學費。(本中心只接受新台幣現金NTD),不接受外幣、刷卡及分期方式付款)

Purchase class materials and pay for registration. (Only NTD cash is accepted)

  • 申請入學許可證明者另須繳交NTD 300元手續費

Those applying for an enrollment certificate need to pay for an additional NTD 300 processing fee.

5. 開始上課 Start of Classes

    ※辦理報到手續時間:上午-AM 9:00~10:00;下午- PM 13:00~14:00

  Office hours for registration: morning classes AM 9:00-10:00; afternoon  classes PM 13:00-14:00
