緊急報案專線(火災、緊急救助) 119 or 911
警政(警察、搶劫、一般交通) 110
緊急救難專線(手機無SIM卡、無訊號時) 112
自殺防治諮詢安心專線 0800-789-995 (24小時)
生命線協談專線 1995
張老師專線 1980
反霸凌專線 0800-200-885
反詐騙諮詢專線 165
消費者服務專線(消費糾紛) 1950
查號台(查詢相關電話號碼) 104
1 |
林口長庚紀念醫院 03-3281200 桃園市龜山區復興街5號 |
2 |
台北縣林口鄉衛生所 02-26011005 |
3 |
仲全診所 02-86012801 |
4 |
明揚診所 02-26035801 |
5 |
捷仁診所 02-26009405 |
6 |
佳眼科診所 02-26019512 |
7 |
宏愛診所 02-86011700 |
8 |
健雄診所 02-26030322 |
9 |
豐家診所 02-26083666 |
10 |
全英眼科診所 02-26010365 |
11 |
侯志龍小兒科診所 02-26089001 |
12 |
林漢邦診所 02-26030056 |
13 |
麗林耳鼻喉科診所 02-26082795 |
14 |
黃紹基診所 02-26005385 |
15 |
普正診所 02-26024315 |
16 |
宗男診所 02-26003179 |
17 |
未來小兒科婦產科診所 02-26029090 |
18 |
仁邦診所 02-86012201 |
19 |
劉乃豪診所 02-26086865 |
20 |
陽光耳鼻喉科診所 02-26016068 |
21 |
未來婦產科診所 02-26029090 |
22 |
勝康骨科診所 02-86012276 |
23 |
忠孝復健專科診所 02-26094101 |
24 |
杏安診所 02-26016068 |
25 |
德林診所 02-(02)260222 |
26 |
德馨診所 02-26097777 |
27 |
翰品牙科診所 02-26011399 |
Medical Services and Emergency Assistance
Medical Services and Emergency Assistance
1. National emergency assistance number:
Related report and inquiry hotline:
Emergency reporting line (fire, emergency rescue) 119 or 911
Policing (police, robbery, general traffic) 110
Emergency rescue line (when the mobile phone has no SIM card and no signal) 112
Suicide Prevention Counseling Safety Line 0800-789-995 (24 hours)
Lifeline Consultation Line 1995
Teacher Zhang's hotline 1980
Anti-bullying hotline 0800-200-885
Anti-fraud Consulting Line 165
Consumer Service Hotline (Consumer Disputes) 1950
Number Enquiry Desk (inquiries about relevant telephone numbers) 104
2. The school's emergency phone number:
The Health Center has set up a special contact line for injuries and illnesses: 02-26015310 ext. 1329
3. Medical service telephone number in Linkou District:
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou 03-3281200
No. 5, Fuxing Street, Guishan District, Taoyuan City